Tuesday 30 October 2012

Ontario Kids Halloween Safety Tips for Trick or Treaters North in Ontario

Safety Tips for Trick or Treaters
Well, we can be glad Sandy is tapering off in time for Halloween, however, chances are it will still  be a cold wet night for trick or treaters North in Ontario.

Safety is priority number one for the kids. The kids are excited and most are too young to be aware of all the dangers that lurk while out in the neighbourhood on a dark evening.

Below are some tips from the Southern Georgian Bay OPP Detachment (originally posted in the Midland Mirror) for parents and kids who will be out having fun on the neighbourhood streets tomorrow.

•  Wear bright and reflective clothing

•  Carry a flashlight

•  Walk, don’t run, and watch for cars

•  Use makeup or face paint instead of a mask, but, if this is not possible, make sure the eyeholes are large enough to see through

•  Young children should be accompanied by an adult carrying a cellphone

•  Older children who go out with friends should plan their route, share it with their parents and stick to it
Have a spooktacular & safe night!

•  Obey all rules of the road, remembering to always look both ways before crossing the street

•  Never trick-or-treat alone or eat anything that hasn’t been inspected by an adult

•  Never go into a house, and refrain from attending those where the outside lights are off

•  Try to wear costumes that don’t have any hanging pieces that can result in a person tripping or can catch fire

•  Wear fire-retardant costumes where possible.

~Motorists are also reminded to exercise extra caution on Halloween evening, as some children might be difficult to see due to dark costumes.~


Have a great night! 

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